Andrzej Czuma, the new minister for justice here, did not just leave angry creditors behind him in the US. He also tangled with the courts in a number of car accidents. Not to be outdone, the chief of one of the opposition parties, the League of Polish Families – remember them? – has also had a run-in with the law. Mirosław O. (for that is how he must be known) was caught driving while under the influence last week. He has a blog but I won’t give the address for fear that readers might be able to figure out what the “O” stands for and that I might therefore be held liable for breaching his right to privacy. This was the man, by the way, who thought the theory of evolution was a lie.
This frivolity might draw objections – there’s a crisis on, not a circus. Okay, okay, read the papers and marvell over the joke European parliament elections to see who gets to wield the rubber stamp. Will it be Jacek Saryusz-Wolski or Danuta Hübner or Cimosiewicz? And will Radek Sikorski get to be the boss of NATO? I don’t know why we should be so interested in any of these turncoats’ new jobs.