Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

Big Brother’s Telescope

Many of you might have come across the remarkable 2.5 gigapixel photo (see here) created by the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research that allows you to zoom right up to the modern office and retail parks that hedge the historic core of Delft. Now, according to an article from Wired, a former Cold War researcher is working on 4 gigapixel pics. Several of the images–taken using Kodak film rather than with a digital camera–are available at the Gigapxl Project’s website, and the resolution is uncanny. For example, if you look at the first, panoramic image of the Balboa Reflecting Pool, try finding the ant-sized figures at the left. Then scroll down and see how much detail of the two people has been captured. Let’s hope they were supposed to be together that day.