Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

Skewered minister

Lenihan should not quit, says Minister states the Irish Times in relation to the moronic “kebabs” remark made by junior minister Conor Lenihan.Er, yes he should. Lenihan’s boss, Minister for Foreign Affairs Dermot Ahern, claims that ‘the remarks had been made “in the heat of the moment.”‘ But even if they were, such a verbal slip reveals a lot about the mindset of the speaker. And it shows that this Minister of State for Overseas Development, who is presumably meant to be concerned with the plight of the underdog and the exploited, lacks the insight or tact the role demands. Aside from that, the moronic nature of the “joke” indicates the guy’s not the brightest.During RTE’s report on the matter last night, David Davin-Power (I think it was) said that TDs in the D�il were discussing Lenihan’s “takeaway remark.” Those wags! But could you imagine the reaction if some MP in Westminister told someone raising Irish issues to get back to the bog? You can bet that the aspiring Oscar Wildes of the D�il bar would be falling over themselves to reach a camera to condemn such disgraceful racism.