Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

Essential reading…

To busy/lazy to provide the usual verbosity. Instead, I merely offer a link to a document that will be/should be discussed a lot over the next few days: The Iraq Body Count’s “A Dossier of Civilian Casualties in Iraq 2003�2005.”It contains the following disturbing breakdown of responsibility for civilian deaths, numbering around 24,865 and counting:* US-led forces killed 37% of civilian victims.* Anti-occupation forces/insurgents killed 9% of civilian victims.* Post-invasion criminal violence accounted for 36% of all deaths.* Killings by anti-occupation forces, crime and unknown agents have shown a steady rise over the entire period.It makes you question, if you needed an incentive to question, the balance of media coverage of events in that benighted county. I had assumed that zombified jihadists filtering in from Saudi Arabia and Syria from responsible for the bulk of deaths over the past year or so. Shows you how much a self-confessed news junkie knows.And expect the report’s credibility to be challenged by the usual suspects in the near future.