Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

A bit literal minded?

From The Brown Daily Herald:The audience at Production Workshop’s “The Flies,” which is slated to run from Dec. 8 through Dec. 11, will feature an element perhaps more appropriate for the hit NBC show “Fear Factor.” As they gather to watch Jean-Paul Sartre’s 1943 adaptation of the Greek drama “The Oresteia,” audience members will be surrounded by 30,000 live fruit flies.[…]The flies were bred specifically for the production by Sara Naylor ’07, a biochemistry and molecular biology concentrator, Rutherford said. The flies will circulate within a box tent made of netting – a small space that will also enclose the audience and the 7 feet by 7 feet stage. The effect will immerse audience members and draw them into the action onstage, Rutherford said. “The audience is actively participating in the symbolism of the play,” he said. “They are the citizens of Argos.”Can’t see a transfer to Broadway somehow…Link via The Literary Saloon.