Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

At last, recognition!

That Dublin’s traffic chaos is world class. A New York Times article comparing Beijing’s auto mayhem with the Irish capital’s explains how skyrocketing car ownership in Ireland is canceling out environmental improvements elsewhere (in power generation, for example):”No trains run to the new suburbs where hundreds of thousands of Dubliners now live, and the few buses going there overflow with people. So nearly everyone drives � to work, to shop, to take their children to school � in what seems like a constant smoggy, traffic jam. Since 1990, emissions from transportation in Ireland have risen about 140 percent, the most in Europe. […]In Ireland, car ownership has more than doubled since 1990 and car engines have grown steadily larger. Meanwhile, new environmental laws have meant that emissions from electrical plants, a major polluter, have been decreasing since 2001.”So pause next time you start pontificating about Yanks and their ridiculous SUVs. Er, like this new one (from supposedly eco-conscious Toyota).