This monkey has already written about the daubing of the slogan ‘Shame on you Bagnasco’ on the doors of Genoa’s cathedral, suggesting that it was wrong to term this a threat, as most of the media immediately did.
Some hotheads somewhere decided to up the ante, though, and daubed walls in Genoa, and elsewhere, with bona fide threats to the head of the Italian Bishops’ Conference. Slogans like ‘Death to Bagnasco’ have cropped up on walls.
Then, at the weekend, the Bishop – who, in reference to Italy’s impending legislation on rights for co-habiting couples (including homosexuals), likened homosexuality to incest and paedophilia – received a bullet in an envelope. Something no-one, regardless of how bigoted they maybe, should have to endure.
Unfortunately, though not surprisingly, the St.Peter’s square branch of the regligious fundamentalist internationale have decided to take full advantage of this cowardly act, in order to smear any criticism of the Church whatsoever.
Today’s edition of the
Osservatore Romano, ‘newspaper’ of the Vatican, leads with a headline ‘Vile attacks on the Pope are also terrorism‘.
“This is also terrorism. It’s terrorism to launch attacks on the Church. It’s terrorism to feed blind and irrational furies against he who speaks always in the name of love, love for life, and love for man. It’s vile and an act of terrorism to throw stones this time even against the Pope, while feeling protected by the shouts of approval from an easily excitable crowd.
And yet the fact remains that this character, to whom will regrettably be conceded an hour of unmerited notoriety, was chosen by someone. And whoever chose him hasn’t taken into account the moment in which we’re living. The words of the ‘presenter’ were perhaps just an expression of a worrying superficiality. But their danger is is anyting but superficial. These are the hours of serious attacks* and threats against the President of the CEI [Italian Bishops’ Conference] Archbishop Angelo Bagnasco” [1]
The Paper’s fury was directed at a comedian, Andrea Rivera, who was one of the presenters on-stage for the massive annual rock concert, sponsored by the major unions in honour of May day. Rivera’s vile act of terrorism? From the stage he pronounced these lines – to, as the paper suggests, widespread applause:
“The Pope said he doesn’t believe in evolution. I agree, in fact the Church has never evolved. I can’t stand the fact that the Vatican refused Welby** a funeral. At the same time, though, it wasn’t like that for Pinochet, for Franco, or for one of the Banda della Magliana***. It’s right like that, though. At Jesus’ side weren’t two sufferers of Lou Gehrig’s disease, but two thieves”[2]
Archbishop Bagnasco should receive protection from physical threats – like any other citizen of the Republic. Neither he, nor the rest of Benny’s Bigot Brigade, should expect, though, to be shielded from criticism, ridicule, or even – god forbid – insults. That’s the way of fascism – something they surely wouldn’t be partial to…
*Verbal one would assume, although the Holy See seems to believe there’s no difference between criticism and physical violence.
** Piergiorgio Welby was an Italian poet, painter, and activist, who, while suffering from Lou Gehring’s disease, campaigned for his own right to die. In December of 2006, an anaesthetist controversially agreed to help him to die. Welby was denied a Catholic funeral.
*** A criminal gang which operated in and around Rome during Italy’s anni di piombo. Gang members have been linked to the murder of Roberto Calvi, banker to the Vatican.
[1] “Anche questo è terrorismo. È terrorismo lanciare attacchi alla Chiesa. È terrorismo alimentare furori ciechi e irrazionali contro chi parla sempre in nome dell’amore, l’amore per la vita e l’amore per l’uomo. È vile e terroristico lanciare sassi questa volta addirittura contro il Papa, sentendosi coperti dalle grida di approvazione di una folla facilmente eccitabile.
Eppure resta il fatto che questo personaggio, al quale purtroppo si è costretti a concedere ora un’immeritata notorietà, da qualcuno è stato scelto. E chi l’ha scelto non ha tenuto conto del momento che stiamo vivendo. Le parole del “conduttore” forse sono solo espressione di una sconcertante superficialità. Ma la loro pericolosità non è altrettanto superficiale. Sono di queste ore gli attacchi e le minacce, pesanti, rivolte al Presidente della Cei, l’Arcivescovo Angelo Bagnasco” – Osservatore Romano, 02/05/2007.
[2] “Il Papa ha detto che non crede nell’evoluzionismo. Sono d’accordo, infatti la chiesa non si è mai evoluta”, ha detto alla folla di giovani della piazza. “Non sopporto che il Vaticano abbia rifiutato i funerali di Welby. Invece non è stato così per Pinochet, a Franco e per uno della banda della Magliana. E’ giusto così – ha sottolineato Rivera – assieme a Gesù Cristo non c’erano due malati di Sla, ma c’erano due ladroni” – La Repubblica