Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


Square-jawed publisher, John Ryan, the “brains” behind such consciousness-raising mags as VIP, GI (AKA Gay Ireland), and, latterly, The New York Dog, shows he’s hip to the new media zeitgeist with his latest venture, Bloggorrah. Proudly claiming to be “unfiltered and updated 10 times daily,” Bloggorah appears to be positioning itself as a Hibernian version of Gawker , the sneering Manhattan-based site chronicling the foibles of a clueless overclass.

Unfortunately, given the stagnant fish pond that is the world of Irish celebrity, Bloggarah comes across more like the not-very-lamented The Keane Edge resurrected and hurled over HTTP. However, if the mock epic of Bono’s purloined hat (allegedly purloined, m’lud), the sight of Irish models shivering beside boxes of detergent, and Colin Farrell’s latest scrapes are your bag, then Bloggorah is a must-visit.

Expect the Irish Times Saturday magazine to list Bloggarah as a “hot” item sometime in closing months of 2007.