Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

Didn’t they visit Temple Bar?

Monocle magazine, the latest publication from beyond-parody Tyler Brûlé*, has compiled its list of the world’s “10 most liveable cities.” For those who couldn’t be bother shelling out £75 for a year’s subscription (10 issues), the International Herald Tribune has usefully provided a run-down of the anointed cities. Coming in at the top spot is Munich, which earned its laurels with its “winning combination of investment in infrastructure, high-quality housing, low crime, liberal politics, strong media and general feeling of Gemütlichkeit.”

Surprisingly, given the criteria mentioned, Dublin didn’t make the list…

*In a recent article on discovering cities by foot, Brûlé–who makes Patrick Bateman seem indifferent to brand labels–informed us that “I don’t think I fully connected with Tokyo until I woke up one morning, canceled a flight and gave myself an extra day in the city. It was an unseasonably warm day in December, and starting in Meguro I armed myself with good shoes (Ludwig Reiter desert boots), tote bag (Porter) and the essentials for urban navigation (camera for interesting finds, notebooks, writing instruments, phrasebook) and just went walking.” Yes, I’ve also found that Ludwig Reiter desert boots really are essential when wandering around any Asian megalopolis.