Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

Parties Come and Parties Go

I mentioned before how the names change but the faces remain in Polish politics. Here is the concrete example of Jacek Kurski, sometimes known as the “Bull Terrier” though “Liar” would be both less complimentary and more truthful. Mr. Kurski, deeply principled politican that he is, in his infinite care for the people of Poland, was in the early 90s associated with Porozumienie Centrum, the Kaczyńskis’ old party. Then he got in with something called the Ruch Odrodzenie Polski (Movement to Rebuild — oh what difference does it make?). Then he joined the Christian Union (former PM Marcinkiewicz’s old party, unless I miss my guess) before joining the now defunct AWS, Akcja Wyborcza Solidarności, which once ruled this country! They lost so he joined PiS but left for LPR (Giertych’s bunch of nutcases) before going back to the winners: PiS again. (Details courtesy of the current Nie but you can also check out this website Znani Polacy.) Neither Nie nor Znani Polacy has any information on what the people he pretends to represent make of all this.

Characteristic of the political brutality here is the headline in the latest Newsweek over a picture of PO leader Donald Tusk: “Porażka w wyborach oznacza koniec platformy”
“Losing these elections means the end of PO”
Note: not the end of ineffectual leader and perennial loser, Donald Tusk, but the end of an entire political party, and I suspect Newsweek is right.

Another party that requires neutralising is the Partia Kobiet, the Women’s Party. Primesident Kaczyński is seeing to that: he has poached the wife of former PO politician Jan Rokita to act as his adviser in women’s affairs – an area in which he has shown little interest up until now – except when the woman in question was Barbara Blida.


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