Three Monkeys Online

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Dziennik (26th January) has revealed that the nefarious soviets had atomic bombs on Polish territory. It’s a good thing no one knew about this at the time: their presence would have made Poland an obvious target in any European war.

On an entirely unrelated note, an American general calling himself Henry A. Obering has assured Poland that situating an anti-missile shield on Polish territory would make the country safer and there would be no need for Poland to get any Patriot missiles.

This is a bit of a turnaround: on the radio last week it was announced that America had decided to locate the shield in the Czech Republic. A Polish general (I distinctly recall voting for him last time out) said that never mind, Poland need not give up its “dream” of hosting the American target — errr, shield. It seems he was right: Poland can indeed dream on.

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