Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

The Muppet Show

On the heels of TD Beverly Flynn reminding the nation of what a “class act” she really is, yesterday’s shenanigans during the first day of resumed Dail sittings provided yet more evidence of the calibre of Ireland’s political class.Newly elected Ceann Comhairle John O’Donoghue cuts a fine figure for a man in his late sixties. He is actually 51. It’s difficult to guess whether his florid phiz is due to fine living or a choleric temperament. Yesterday, unquestionably the latter aspect was on display as he attempted to rise above his former identity as a just another scrummaging TD in attemnpt to fulfill his august role as chairman of the house. Watch the RTE Nine O’Clock News clip here (it’s currently the third item on the page) to see how successful O’Donoghue was. That is if you can bear to watch…