Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

The sound and the fury

In a misjudged effort to hear some “analysis” of Budget 2007, I tuned in last night to Vincent “Vincenzo” Browne’s show, broadcast at 10PM on RTE Radio One.

What a shambles…

The guests, especially the array of political hacks, were bad enough as they squabbled over percentages like trainspotters disputing a locomotive’s serial number. But what gave proceedings a truly farcical air was Browne’s oral histrionics. With the sigh of an oul’ wan shortchanged, he gave the impression that he was chairing the discussion under duress–hardly a vibe to encourage the causal listener to linger. When he wasn’t telegraphing his derision of his panel’s views–he dismissed one contributor as “crackers”–he was parading his membership of the Law Library by doggedly focusing on apparently minor points. Perhaps he’s watched one too many episodes of Judge John Deed, but did Vincenzo think his witness, I mean guest, would crumble in the face of his jurisprudential skills and ‘fess up?

I have to say if I had been on the show I hope I would have walked out–but not before being sorely tempted to take a pop at the ludicrous Browne.