Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • The Madonna Cries Sperm – Public Culture & Offense

    An art exhibit, entitled the Madonna Cries Sperm, is causing political representatives on a local and national level to get hot under the collar. The exhibit, originally organised by the Yurta association as part of the S.Vitale neighbourhood summer festival, has been cancelled after various local and national politicians deemed it ‘unacceptable’ and ‘offensive’. It’s […]

  • The End is Nigh, says RTE

    It’s usually a sign that a subject has reached its sell-by-date when RTE’s current affairs department, as agile as a supertanker executing a U-turn, manages to consider it. In this case, it’s “peak oil” that is the subject of “Future Shock: End of the Oil Age,” presented by the station’s resident scold-in-chief, George Lee. As […]

  • The Echo Chamber

    Some time ago a genius discovered that Republicans don’t watch Michael Moore films and Democrats don’t watch Hannity and Colmes. Lefty talks to lefty, nutcase to nutcase and no one crosses the party lines. There is no real debate. I myself regularly check out Hannity and Colmes, Michelle Malkin, Bill O’Reilly and Ann Coulter – […]

  • More money less money

    This weekend’s Gazeta Wyborcza is headlined “You Will Earn More.” The euphoria continues, unblemished by debate, assessment, macroeconomic statistics or rationality in the body of the story. “Składka na ubezpieczenie rentowe” will drop from 6.5% of your gross wage to 3.5%. That’s a fall of nearly a half! The exclamation mark was used by the […]

  • Mario Monicelli's Le Rose nel Deserto

    Last night I managed to get around to seeing Le Rose nel Deserto, the latest film directed by Mario Monicelli. Monicelli’s career spans the history of Italian cinema, having made his first film back in 1934. Monicelli directed Le Rose nel Deserto, on location in the Libyan desert in 2005, an admirable feat in itself, […]

  • Mario Monicelli’s Le Rose nel Deserto

    Last night I managed to get around to seeing Le Rose nel Deserto, the latest film directed by Mario Monicelli. Monicelli’s career spans the history of Italian cinema, having made his first film back in 1934. Monicelli directed Le Rose nel Deserto, on location in the Libyan desert in 2005, an admirable feat in itself, […]

  • Dublin Writers Festival 2007

    The Dublin Writers Festival 2007 kicks off tomorrow with a stronger-than-usual lineup. However, it’s unfortunate that Adrienne Rich, by far the most significant participant, had to pull out of her event due to ill health. Still, there’s enough to pique the interest, with Lionel Shriver, Alistair MacLeod, Tim Robinson, and Iain Sinclair involved. There’s also […]

  • Let them eat ice-cream

    In the same week that Romano Prodi was called to account by debt campaigners on Italy’s dismal failure to keep up with committments undertaken at the G8 summit in Gleneagles, and in the same week that toxic fumes floated throughout the region of Campania as illegaly dumped rubbish throughout the province burned (one solution to […]

  • Today's mapmakers

    It seems that no news bulletin is complete, these days, without some reference to how wicked the internet can be. We’re consistently shown on lunch time news bulletins videos, of students behaving poorly, that have been posted on YouTube. TV journalists in Italy have yet to devote any time to a website that is proving […]