It seems that no news bulletin is complete, these days, without some reference to how wicked the internet can be. We’re consistently shown on lunch time news bulletins videos, of students behaving poorly, that have been posted on YouTube. TV journalists in Italy have yet to devote any time to a website that is proving […]
Bishop Stanisław Stefanuk described the use of strikes by teachers and doctors as a terrorist method in his sermon on June 7th (Corpus Christi). He must read Fakt
“Police had to use force yesterday to disperse demonstrators” reads a photograph caption in Friday’s super libertarian Gazeta Wyborcza. How do they know? In the absence of two independent, named sources (or is that old hat in the old media?), should the caption not read: “Police used force to disperse demonstrators”? This was published hard […]
Friday’s Gazeta Wyborcza carried a story under the above headline (more or less) on its front page. In it Bartosz Węglarczyk calculated how much time Kaczyński would have to talk to Bush on the latter’s visit here. The answer: 40 minutes, and since an interpreter would be needed that should be halved. Consecutive interpreting Węglarczyk […]
Further to our last post, the documentary on Sex Crimes and the Vatican was shown on RAI due’s Anno Zero programme – albeit a week late, after the programme’s presenter took the opportunity to double check the documentary’s accuracy in the face of heavy criticism from the Vatican and various politicians. Despite the heavy insinuations, […]
Further to our last post, the documentary on Sex Crimes and the Vatican was shown on RAI due’s Anno Zero programme – albeit a week late, after the programme’s presenter took the opportunity to double check the documentary’s accuracy in the face of heavy criticism from the Vatican and various politicians. Despite the heavy insinuations, […]
In a recent piece about the experience of tagging after the British prime minister as he makes valedictory pit-stops at evocative locales (Belfast, Washington, and, alas, Basra), Martin Amis takes a pop at blogosphere critics of Tony Blair. In a tone redolent of a colonial police report on the pidgin rhetoric of native insurgents, Amis […]
In an interview in this weekend’s Dziennik Noam Chomsky says that Hitler, when he invaded Czechoslovakia, claimed he was doing so to bring peace. The Soviets also claimed to have Poland’s interests at heart in the 1940s. The US claimed to be bringing democracy to Iraq. What is the newspaperman’s response? Imperialna Ameryka niczym się […]
There is a scene in “Boogie Nights” where the luckless ex-porn stars go off to do some drug dealing. The dealer spends a good part of the scene bragging about his mix-tape. It’s not a blunder on the part of the film makers. They really did have mix tapes in the 80s. I am reminded […]