Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Rzeczpospolita Polska

    While prying through some personal files late one night last week in the local IPN branch I came across one that caught my eye. It was the file of a certain university professor, doctor… well, let us call him “Dr. Wykształciuch” for the sake of discretion. The top sheet was his CV and at the […]

  • Right Continental Landmass, Wrong Country

    In today’s post, Twenty Major–the Irish blogosphere’s answer to Jim Davidson–cracks some laboured gags about the “little things” that annoy him.To give a flavour of the comedic mind at work, “dwarves” are listed.But, reflecting his position as Ireland’s premier blogger, Twenty Major does not shy away from the major stories of the day. A throwaway […]

  • And everyone cares about the patients

    Covering the interminable contract dispute between hospital consultants and the state, the Irish Independent today described the latest offer on the table: “On top of the €205,000 for a 39-hour week, they [the consultants] would also get an additional €40,000 if they meet targets for treating patients.” But for some, the prospect of a quarter-of-a-million […]

  • Cold Statistics

    Despite having about 120-seconds’ worth of facts to report, the 24/7 news channels have devoted 1200 minutes to the carnage at Virgina Tech. CNN International has yielded the airwaves to its U.S. big brother, allowing viewers to witness improbably burnished anchors pepper dazed students with questions of staggering inanity. Meanwhile, camera-phone footage of the event […]

  • Unilever Again

    Unilever’s campaign for real profits continues. A full page advertisement appears in the women’s supplement to Gazeta Wyborcza. It includes a picture of the masterminds of this operation. In case the irony is not abundantly clear, I’ll put “masterminds” in inverted commas. These are in fact the Polish drones, acting on instructions from Higher Up, […]

  • Eetallee – Borat and the

    Slightly old news, but worth commenting on briefly. Italy has come up with a slick new corporate logo to brand it’s tourism advertising. A wad load of cash was spent on the corporate rebranding.

  • Ouch!

    Recently I was driving down Dublin quays, from Parkgate Street on to O'Connell Street. Fortunately, it's not a route I need to take often, so I gawked at my surroundings a bit more than usual. Whereas there's been a lot coverage of the Dublin Boardwalk–and the drug addicts who tend to frighten the office workers […]

  • Serving Mom's Apple pie to the Italian blogosphere – the Wales O'Reilly code of conduct

    The proposed code of conduct for Blogs, outlined by wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales and Internet 2.0 guru Tim O’Reilly has generated little interest in the media here in Italy thus far. This strikes me as strange, given the general preoccupation with privacy, and the tendency of the news here to jump on every possible scandalous […]

  • From our chief analyst, Phil Space

    A marble bust of Kevin Myarse’s senatorial features deserves to be placed in Pseuds Corner in honour of the hack’s paean to Manchester United’s thumping of Roma during the week. Having gone through the formality of establishing his Decline-of-the-West credentials (“ I don’t particularly like modern soccer players, with their culture of overpaid celebrity, extravagant […]