There is talk of abolishing the May 1st public holiday. Showing any respect for work here is regarded as dangerous communist deviance. There used to be a lot more streets named after the labour day holiday.
“On the surface, the Russian motives seemed most noble: they intended to introduce law and order, found schools and put an end to ancestral blood feuds and to robbery. It’s just that they wanted to do good by force and make the wild mountain tribes happy by first forcing them into submission.” Too bad GW […]
Over the weekend I caught Children of Men, directed by Alfonso Cuarón (Y Tu Mamá También ). I liked that it took seriously the implications of its scenario (a world in which no baby has been born in 18 years) rather than treating it merely as a plot device used to get the hero up […]
When writing my last post, about Luciano Moggi, I had yet to come across the news that Moggi has been invited to address students at a technical institute in Agropoli, a city in the Southern region of Campania. The theme for the day – Sport’s Education. Afterwards he will inaugurate a Luciano Moggi Juventus fan […]
When writing my last post, about Luciano Moggi, I had yet to come across the news that Moggi has been invited to address students at a technical institute in Agropoli, a city in the Southern region of Campania. The theme for the day – Sport’s Education. Afterwards he will inaugurate a Luciano Moggi Juventus fan […]
For all those boys from Belvo / Gonzaga / Clongowes / Crescent who claim that the Jays made them the successes/borderline neurotics they are today, the BBC Radio 4 show In Our Time features an enlightening discussion on “The Jesuits–The School Masters of Europe.”
You must understand that both you and your children will have to work harder. Who could have have said such a thing to the Poles in these days of economic growth (around 5 or 6% I believe)? Who would threaten a free people so blatantly? Was it a lesser-known Dickens character? A Dark Satanic Miller? […]
Tuesday’s New York Times featured an article (Anywhere the Eye Can See, It�s Likely to See an Ad) that provided a superficially breezy survey of advertisers’ increasingly invasive strategies for getting customers to eyeball their messages:”Supermarket eggs have been stamped with the names of CBS television shows. Subway turnstiles bear messages from Geico auto insurance. […]
Nominated by a group of Academics, and voted for by the public, Moggiopoli is the proper noun of the year for 2006. The competition is designed to recognise the word that has imposed itself most during the year, taking into account its originality, significance, the fantasy with which it was created, or for the events […]