Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Heart of Whiteness

    Sporting a scar running from his ankle to hip from when he was attacked by a buffalo several years ago, Hon. Thomas Patrick Gilbert Cholmondeley, scion of Kenya’s Delamare dynasty, sounds like something Evelyn Waugh might have invented while suffering from a particularly nasty hangover. Think of a darker version of Basil Seal. The great-grandfather […]

  • Le mot juste

    The 19th-century French novelist Gustave Flaubert was famous for his attention to detail. He was reputed to spend over a week agonizing over a single sentence, weighing up each word’s exact shade of meaning. It seems that Flaubert has some distinguished heirs among the tabard-wearing intellos who occasionally work for Iarnr�d �ireann. Commuter and intercity […]

  • The Fate of ex-Dictators?

    And so, as sure as the Seasons change, the centre-left government has started talking about reforming Italy

  • Demography ain’t Destiny

    In a recent issue of The New Yorker, an article by pop-sociologist Malcolm Gladwell (author of The Tipping Point and Blink) yokes together the decline of General Motors and the rise of Ireland Inc. The connection is demographics: just as the ratio of active workers to retirees became a major burden on the American behemoth, […]

  • Bertie’s “Tink-In”

    On Monday Fianna F�il senators and TDs gathered in Westport, Co. Mayo for their annual “think-in.” One suspects that such events are designed as much to send out signals about the party’s intellectual credentials (“You know, we’re not just cute hoors who skull pints in the FF tent at the Galway Races”) as they are […]

  • Not Funny Ha Ha

    Der Spiegel’s English-language website features an article on the latest “taboo-breaking” book on the Third Reich to appear in Germany. The book in question, Heil Hitler, The Pig is Dead (apparently the punchline to a joke), deals with the incongruous subject of humour and joke-telling during Hitler’s regime. What is suggestive about the article is […]

  • Inciting Hatred?

    Our last post discussed the furore caused by the publication, on the part of the Italian Union of Islamic Communities and Organisations (UCOII), of an

  • The art of nit-picking

    Recently, a billboard on the N8 route near the Port Laoise bypass, advertising “Frans Crash Repairs,” was castigated by self-appointed guardians of grammatical purity, the Apostrophe Protection Society. Personally, when it comes to apostrophes I find sins of omission (leaving them out) less offensive than sins of commission (putting them in where they don’t belong). […]