Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Litblog’s weekly tweets –

    Stumbled upon a great interview with @mj_hyland over at vulpes libris # Julian Barnes on Guy de Maupassant (in the LRB) # rt @serpentstail giving away 5 copies of “The Sexual Life of Catherine M” & “Jealousy” once they reach 500 followers… RT to enter # Powered by Twitter Tools.

  • Litblog’s weekly tweets –

    Julian Barnes on John Updikes Rabbit Quartet Now re-published by Everyman RT @blhupdates # Amos Oz’s ‘Rhyming Life and death’ reviewed as part of Canongate’s literature world tour – # Powered by Twitter Tools.

  • I Fell For It In Battle

    It looks like I took a bullet for the team. That quarter-page ad for a college that guaranteed an MA degree in two years was a cunning Gazeta Wyborcza hoax. They say the interest generated by the ad was enormous, with people from all corners of Poland. I’m not exactly sure what GW thinks this […]

  • Today in the Trenches – dispatches from the war on free education

    Gazeta Wyborcza sent in the foreign legion today in a lack lustre affair which could hardly be described as a decisive victory. They found a handful of obliging foreign students to complain about Poland. One said that the backup facilities in Poland were much worse than in Portugal, “doubtless because Poland values education very lowly […]

  • It’s War

    Gazeta Wyborcza launched its latest offensive – and it is often quite offensive – on Polish lecturers on Monday, Oct 19th in the year of Our Lord 2009 with a big splash on the results of a survey which showed, among other things, that university lecturers think university lecturers are capable and clever and – […]

  • Baton charges and kettling: the public’s police-crowd control tactics under fire

    • Methods infringed civil liberties, say police • Only hardcore agitators were targeted, people insist Citizen tactics of containing thousands of police for several hours at the protests in front of Scotland Yard and using batons against police protesters were condemned yesterday as an infringement of the right of police to demonstrate. In the aftermath […]

  • Sport

    Enough of scandals, I say. Let’s take a “time-out” to have a look at the “beautiful game.” From my seat last night in the pub I could just see – over the tops of the heads of the drunks and wasters at the bar – the TV screen, which was showing the Poland Slovakia match. […]

  • Attention to Detail (Kuczok), Initiations and France thorugh the Polish Looking Glass

    In “Żebry Adama,” (Adam’s Begging) the first story in Wojciech Kuczok’s Widmokrąg (widmo – ghost; krąg – circle; widnokrąg – horizon), a naked beggar catches hold of the narrator and forces him to divest himself of first his (Armani) suit jacket, and then his trousers. It’s not meant, of course, to be an entirely realistic […]

  • Heads Roll

    I still don’t think it’s a scandal but since it has driven everything (even Roman Polański) off the TV screens, here’s some more about the Zbig Chlebowski affair (see here), going mainly on Robert Walenciak’s article in the current Przegląd. The businessmen in question are Ryszard Sobiesiak of Casino Polonia and Golden Play and Jan […]