Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Polish Absurd

    Not having Polish children, this was something I only noticed very lately.

  • Literature’s Radiohead – Wu Ming or Gaiman?

    Back in December, mediabistro’s GalleyCat posed the question ‘Where will we find Literature’s Radiohead?‘. Not a question of matching literary style up to the Oxford band’s musical approach (although over at the Valve they see a similarity between Yeats and the band), but rather the starting point for a discussion on distribution methods – on […]

  • Newsweek adopts the 'Italian school' of modern journalism, and beatifies Berlusconi

    Newsweek, last week, carried a quite astonishing piece on Silvio Berlusconi’s first 100 days in office. The glowing tribute stopped short of suggesting that Trenitalia now runs on time, but only just (coincidentally, despite the fact that it was a major election issue, Alitalia crops up nowhere in the piece). Astonishing because it may well […]

  • Newsweek adopts the ‘Italian school’ of modern journalism, and beatifies Berlusconi

    Newsweek, last week, carried a quite astonishing piece on Silvio Berlusconi’s first 100 days in office. The glowing tribute stopped short of suggesting that Trenitalia now runs on time, but only just (coincidentally, despite the fact that it was a major election issue, Alitalia crops up nowhere in the piece). Astonishing because it may well […]

  • Waiting on a Friend – The Rolling Stones

    The Rolling Stones have, with a few honourable exceptions (sympathy for the devil, and perhaps Street Fighting Man), had very little of consequence to say over their lengthy career. It’s the skill and swing with which they’ve presented their unbearably light offerings that has made them one of the greatest rock n’roll bands of all […]

  • Film that! Londonstani by Guatam Malkani

    Mr Monkey’s recent post on possible book-film tie-ins made me dig out Guatam Malkani’s novel Londonstani. I approached the novel with a certain amount of scepticism, not particularly grabbed by the plot line of a young geek from Hounslow who seeks to develop his identity through designer clothes, body building, and hanging out with the […]

  • Tim Winton and the short-sighted booker longlist

    It’s the elephant in the corner really, isn’t it? Last week’s announcement of the Booker prize longlist has been one of the main talking points for literary minded souls, and not just in the Commonwealth and Ireland. Delays in the launch of this blog meant that it was hardly worthwhile posting on the longlist – […]

  • A book made for film – The End of Mr Y publishes a list of titles of recent books that, according to list compiler Maud Newton, would make great movies. Amongst the interesting choices* is The End of Mr Y by Scarlett Thomas – a book which I feel inclined to agree would make a good film, but not, perhaps,  for the same reasons. Newton correctly laments what […]

  • Frank O’Connor and torture in the novel

    Glamourising torture didn’t start with Fox TV’s 24. It’s an international, or at least anglo-saxon sport with a proud pedigree. “What I cannot understand is why, in America, the last middle-class country, you still cannot beat this loss of faith in the individual. I’ve had this argument out. I was reviewing for a London newspaper, and […]