Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Pat on the Head from the NYT

    “Entrepreneurship Takes Off in Ireland” is the title of an upbeat New York Times‘ article on the go-get-’em business moxie that is supposedly rampant in the “new” I
  • Statistics or Damn Lies?

    Given the near-daily reports about crises in the Irish health service, the country’s position on this chart seems surprising.Then again, the murder rate in Baghdad has also declined impressively
  • Pope Benedict XVI scores a PR victory over the academics at La Spaienza

    The Pope stole the front page of many newspapers today, both in Italy and abroad, as he performed a deft PR sidestep leaving Academics and students at Rome’s La Sapienza university to celebrate
  • From the Sublime…

    For a mid-week post, I was girding myself to produce an elevating squib on Alex Ross’s much-lauded history of 20th-century music, The Rest is Noise. However, having reached only page 90 so far,
  • Poles are too mean to pay for public health

    Poland’s public health service is still in a jock. Doctors out, nurses out, patients being evacuated—I’ve lost track to be honest. But here comes Agata Nowakowska of Gazeta Wyborcza to take me b
  • It couldn’t happen here

    We have America to thank for what must be or should be or maybe already is a popular new adjective: subprime. Northern Rock crumbled but Poland is safe because as any neophyte knows the market never f
  • Fox-Tossing and Other Entertainments

    Taking advantage of an extended Christmas/New Year’s vacation, I’ve been working my way through Tim Blanning’s “magisterial” (i.e. very long) The Pursuit of Glory, which
  • Wonderful Drinking Den

    Cudowna Melina (Wonderful Drinking Den) by Kazimierz Orłoś is an interesting case of a book that requires a certain knowledge of its times to be fully appreciated. Written in Communist Poland (1971)
  • The Howard Beale Candidate

    Enjoying the sunshine and the weak dollar in the company of my wife’s family in Arizona, I have found it difficult to put the rest of the world’s travails in perspective. Sure, I’ve