Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Colour

    Thirteen translators of Ryszard Kapuściński contributed their stories to a book that came out last year. It was to have been birthday present, but Kapuściński died before it appeared. The contribu
  • Spike Lee runs into trouble with the Partisans

    Earlier this year news reports emerged that celebrated director Spike Lee would be turning his hand to a slice of Italian WWII history, as he prepares his next film the Miracle of St. Anna (due for re
  • The Milk of Human Kindness

    After the lightning flash of Terry Eagleton’s comparison of Martin Amis’s musings about Islam and terrorism to “the ramblings of a British National Party thug,” the debate rumb
  • Travel Writing

    Ukraine is a land of contrasts. No wait – the past is a constant companion in Ukraine. Or how about Ukraine is the Montana of Europe? A trip to Ukraine is a trip back in time? Awful stuff but pe
  • Taking a Crack at the Mick

    Aside from baying in corporate boxes at their national rugger teams, the movers and shakers in the financial industry aren’t the types to manifest patriotic fervour. In this interconnected, flat
  • You’re Reading Madame Bovary–But First a Word From Our Sponsor

    Newsweek‘s latest cover story sails perilously close the rocks of “advertorial” with its coverage of the new “wireless reading device,” Amazon Kindle.(On the Amazon page
  • On Dream Street

    One of the most enlightening documentaries to run this year has been the six-part BBC4 series “The Genius of Photography,” which continues its run today and Thursday. It’s introduced
  • Stop it – you'll just encourage them

    You’ll be familiar with the ever-so-slightly desparate attempts by the movie and music industries to convince consumers that bootleg copies of films and music not only rob the industry of vitall
  • Stop it – you’ll just encourage them

    You’ll be familiar with the ever-so-slightly desparate attempts by the movie and music industries to convince consumers that bootleg copies of films and music not only rob the industry of vitall