Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Shades of “Bertiespeak”

    It sounds as though Bono has borrowed the Taoiseach’s scriptwriter:From Bono has defended the decision by U2 to move part of the band’s business from Ireland to the Netherlands to
  • Shared Values?

    When King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia visited the United Kingdom last month, British Foreign Minister Kim Howells stated that Britain and Saudi Arabia could unite around their “shared values.”
  • Post-Apocalyptic Family Values

    More than a week after being wrung out by the emotional mangle of its closing pages, I still find that in the mind’s eye Cormac McCarthy’s The Road–to borrow Philip Larkin’s wo
  • Planes

    From today’s Irish Times: European consumer affairs commissioner Maglena Kuneva will issue an ultimatum to Europe’s biggest low-fares carrier and scores of other EU airlines tomorrow over
  • Complicated and Taxing

    The rise of “Globish”–English as it is spoken by non-native speakers–is the subject of a recent article in the Financial Times. What made the piece unusually illuminating is th
  • Chavez Again

    I’ll never tire of this one. Here’s Gazeta Wyborcza‘s page one headline from 10-11th of November: “Hugo Chavez brata się z Kolumbijskimi terrorystami” “Hugo Chavez
  • You are Stupid. Obviously

    Further, it is obvious that since form is a principle of choice […], new forms will reveal new things in reality, new connections, and naturally, the more the internal coherence of these new for
  • TMI

    Today’s online version of the New York Times prominently featured a picture of Irish writer Anne Enright. It accompanies an article discussing how Enright’s Booker victory stoked up a bit
  • Classy to the End and Beyond.

    In yesterday’s entry I forgot to mention the huff that president Kaczyński disappeared into after Tusk’s victory. Apparently, before the wheels of government could be set again in motion, Tusk �