Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Poland is Modern

    Word comes my way of a book by the name of There’s an Egg in my Soup by one Tom Galvin describing his experiences as an Irishman in Poland. It sounds awful but that may well be the fault of the publ
  • What do they be teaching the young ones

    I don’t know. Actually, I do: administration and marketing with some broken English in case a multi-national corporation should become aware of your existence and deign to give you a job. How di
  • Agreeing with Middle England

    Headline from the Torygraph: “BBC’s Jonathan Ross is sleazy, smug and crass.”
  • Sonata for a Good Man

    The cinematic highlight of the year for me occurred last Saturday evening, when I finally got around to watching The Lives of Others (Das Leben der Anderen), Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck’s s
  • What a Night!

    The people of Poland woke up this morning slightly dazed, slightly confused, by the million-strong army of industrious party activists who were busily engaged in removing and ecologically disposing of
  • How justice works under Prodi's Government

    You have to feel sorry for Silvio. While he was in government the European media went to town detailing his every infringement of the democratic norms (of which there were plenty). Since Romano Prodi
  • How justice works under Prodi’s Government

    You have to feel sorry for Silvio. While he was in government the European media went to town detailing his every infringement of the democratic norms (of which there were plenty). Since Romano Prodi
  • Just what the net needs

    The government of Romano Prodi, who we were led to believe would role back the counless instances of anti-democratic legislation introduced by Berlusconi, have set their sights on regulating the inter
  • The Revolving Door

    According to the latest Polityka Rafał Antczak has a new job. Antczak was one of the three authors of an article in Gazeta Wzborcza about how we can’t afford to be so rich. I was later able to