Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Comprehensive Guide to Polish Popular Music

    “Rockman” is a word in the Polish language.
  • Clever Klein I

    To start on a superficial note: Naomi Klein, scourge of corporations and hollow brand iconography, is well-served by the publishing behemoth (Pearson PLC, as embodied by Penguin Books) charged with di
  • O’Brien Leads, Sosnowski Follows

    A character called Jakub Sosnowski has gone into business in Poland selling cog notes for ignoramuses. That is: you pay him and he tells you what such and such a book is about or what such and such a
  • Editors and Authors

    “Sometimes publishers get texts which have not been properly read, even by their own authors – books in a terrible state,” says editor Filip Modrzejewski in this week’s Polityk
  • Who Cares Who Spies?

    Poor Gazeta Wyborcza. Your heart has to go out to them. They must feel like they’re banging their heads off a brick wall in there. Today’s lead story is about how the Polish National Insur
  • A Sea Change in Polish Politics

    The signs are unmistakeable. All over the land it is evident that Polish politicians have shaken off the complexes and shackles of yesteryear. The East is awake! The last time I saw election posters h
  • Grunt Killed, Important Person Injured

    That’s the message sent by both Dziennik and Gazeta Wyborcza today. The Polish ambassador to the Poland-occupied nation of Iraq was injured in an explosion. Someone else was killed. Here’s
  • Less Panic

    Poland has agreed after all to allow international observers inspect its elections. They are trying to say it was all a big mistake caused by the incompetence of the minister for foreign affairs. She
  • Randomish Musings

    This week Google’s share price hit a record high this week, reaching $584.39 a pop (according to this impartial source), giving the “do no evil” outfit a market capitalization of 182