Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • A Golden Twelve

    Pokaz prozy (Prose Display) is, as reviewers have pointed out, a curious book. It aims to showcase good modern Polish prose (12 writers born more or less in the period 1945 to 1960, all of whom have a
  • Polar and Bare-Faced

    According to F. Scott Fitzgerald, “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.”If we k
  • Now Can We Panic?

    Or should we sit chewing our crud in bovine placidity as the police and state prosecution service finally disappears into PiS’s back pocket, soles of their boots and loafers visible to all? Vacl
  • Ms Kennedy, Tear Down This Wall!

    It’s good to see that The New York Times has abandoned the irritating TimesSelect model, which required the web audience to pay a subscription to read columns from op-ed contributors such as Mau
  • TV Guide

    The best thing by far on Polish TV right now – better even than the not-bad-for-Poland Szymon Majewski Show – is PiS’s childishly crude and hilariously inept party political broadcas
  • We Care A Lot

    One of the more invidious preemptive strategies of the big players in particular industries is to fund “front” organizations supposedly charged with educating us about the messy side-effec
  • Parties Come and Parties Go

    I mentioned before how the names change but the faces remain in Polish politics. Here is the concrete example of Jacek Kurski, sometimes known as the “Bull Terrier” though “Liar̶
  • Dirty Pig

    Roberto Calderoli, ‘honourable’ exponent of the Lega Nord, spent his week dreaming up ways to stop a proposed Mosque being built in Bologna. The mosque has already been the subject of hot
  • Greedy? Us?

    The controversial speech made by Germany’s ambassador to Ireland, Christian Pauls, demonstrates that you don’t have to be a diplomat to head an embassy. Offering a bleak overview of his ho