Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Neck

    On a bus stop I saw an ad for Telekomunikacja Polska* and Orange and Dell computers. It’s accompanied by a lavish (read: finger-down-the throat) TV ad campaign. It’s a great offer: you can
  • Cooking the books

    Reading through John Dickie's highly readable Delizia! - The epic history of the Italians and their food, an episode jumped out involving a conflict of interest that would make modern day pol
  • The Revenge of the Old

    The above image, which displays a mesmerizing swathe of esoteric technology, comes from a New York Times article that explains how IBM researcher Stuart P. Parkin is using nanomaterials in an attempt
  • Plus Ça Change

    Taking an opsimathic interest in the history of my hometown, I’ve been contentedly engaged by Maurice Craig’s landmark publication, Dublin 1660-1860: The Shaping of a City. Craig’s a
  • The Honourable Members Kick Back

    One should perhaps feel grateful after the state broadcaster RAI 1 finally decided to cover Beppe Grillo’s massive V-day protest, two days late. If there’s one thing worse than being talke
  • A Flair for Decoration

    Watching General David Petraeus’s attempt to sell President Bush’s surge strategy to U.S. senators, I’ve been distracted by the matrix of ribbons and badges adorning the general̵
  • Politics Polish Style

    The ins and outs of Polish politics are a bit too sleazy and trivial for most so there follows a comparison of Polish politics and normal, Irish politics. My fellow monkey, Shane Barry, will doubtless
  • Beppe Grillo's V-day

    The disjuncture between what goes on and what is reported has rarely been so apparent. On Saturday, with little-to-no advance television publicity, an initiative got under way in Piazzas throughout It
  • Beppe Grillo’s V-day

    The disjuncture between what goes on and what is reported has rarely been so apparent. On Saturday, with little-to-no advance television publicity, an initiative got under way in Piazzas throughout It