Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • What a Difference an Election Victory Makes*

    Irish Independent, March 26, 2007 Taoiseach Bertie Ahern promised an extra €300m a minute to voters as he took pre-election auction politics to a new level. In the course of his 23-minute address to
  • Fear Works

    The atmosphere of oppression – for some, of course, it’s more tangible than any “atmosphere” – has given ruling regime PiS quite a boost in the opinion polls. PiS has gai
  • Smear Campaign

    Supposing you, the prime minister of – oh, say, a central European country of around – for argument’s sake – 35 million people, wanted to smear someone – a former politic
  • Makes You Long for The Big Bow Wow*

    I missed the debut of RTE’s “gritty” new drama about life on the fringes of the Celtic Tiger, Prosperity. However, RTE has obligingly not only made it possible to watch the first epi
  • Google’s Easter Egg

    This is (apparently) a fairly old piece of news among the techno-savvy, but I was happy to hear about it over the weekend and perhaps you might be today. According to TechCrunch, the latest version of
  • Bugging

    If there are more than the usual typos in today’s entry it’s because I am looking over my shoulder more than usual. Here’s waht I read in last week’s admirably well-informed Po
  • Parody

    In an obscure, out of the way cinema, in an obscure, out of the way town, I stumbled across a comic gem the other day: a part-Polish production of a parody of David Lynch, complete with people dressed
  • They'd do better to remain silent

    Global 24hr news stations, well-resourced and able to bring us in-depth, live coverage of epoch defining moments. Italy, like many other countries, has had its news media shaken ever so slightly over
  • They’d do better to remain silent

    Global 24hr news stations, well-resourced and able to bring us in-depth, live coverage of epoch defining moments. Italy, like many other countries, has had its news media shaken ever so slightly over