Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Election

    PiS is showing party political broadcasts which boast about, among other things, “improved” security – at this point the TV screen shows some jet fighters, possibly the F16s PiS boug
  • Reporting the Elections

    With a nod to Dean Baker, here’s a go at today’s Gazeta Wyborcza whose front page sub-head tells us that the cost to the taxpayer of ruling party PiS’s pre-election giveaway is 18 bi
  • Thanks for Sharing

    One of the lazy generalizations about blogs is that they are merely electronic diaries–fluffy, self-absorbed journals that are no more interesting than the authors who pen them. While this chara
  • Marine Wedding

    The searing images captured by Nina Berman of wounded U.S. troops returned from Iraq dissolve any false comfort that might be derived from separating the injured from the dead in casualty statistics.
  • What “struggling writer” really means

    There’s more than a whiff of fiddling-while-Rome-burns about the upcoming Zimbabwe International Book Fair, scheduled to kick off at the end of July. According to the rather lean-looking web pag
  • Britain Year Zero

    Despite the world-historical balls-up the Iraq adventure turned out to be, I still have a soft spot for Tony Blair. Perhaps it’s the Gorbachev effect–certain politicians–Bill Clinton
  • The Two Cultures

    Sunday, the first day of July, rain for what seems the 127th day on the trot. Time for some high culture, as if to persuade ourselves that uninterrupted sunshine rots the intellect. As the Barry clan
  • Back to the Thirties (Again)

    “I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy,” wrote John R. Bolton in his Yale 25th Reunion Book. Despite this personal aversion to the dirty business of combat, the
  • An Inspirational Figure

    Leona Helmsley, the famous “Queen of Mean” hotel heiress, died yesterday aged 87. Her notorious quote–“Only the little people pay taxes”–has served as a de facto mo