Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • The horror, the horror

    MCD has a lot to answer for. The company’s incompetent organization of the Barbra Streisand geezer gig caused the national airwaves and press to be inundated with plaints from the well-heeled an
  • Another reason not to by an SUV

    Look who drives a “huge, jet black Toyota SUV.” No doubt it will soon put on the block to help pay all those legal costs.
  • When Aesthetics and Comfort collide

    I very much like the look of this, but I have to agree with some of the quibblers: where would you rest your arms?Perhaps, like most people’s bookshelves, it’s there to be admired than act
  • The Muppet Show

    On the heels of TD Beverly Flynn reminding the nation of what a “class act” she really is, yesterday’s shenanigans during the first day of resumed Dail sittings provided yet more evi
  • Didn’t they visit Temple Bar?

    Monocle magazine, the latest publication from beyond-parody Tyler Brûlé*, has compiled its list of the world’s “10 most liveable cities.” For those who couldn’t be
  • The Me-Too Censor

    The Irish Film Censor’s Office has gone beyond its traditional remit (placing largely ignored classification labels on movies) by “banning” the video game, Manhunt 2, released by Roc
  • Give to Caesar…

    In yet another attempt to harness widespread dissatisfaction with Prodi’s government, Umberto Bossi – leader of the Lega Nord party, has made calls for a fiscal strike, or to put it anothe
  • Materazzi comes clean about Zidane

    And so, one of the greatest Italian mysteries of the 21st Century is brought to an end. Amateur humorist and sometime Inter defender Marco Materazzi has revealed what he said to Zidane during last yea
  • Learning From Your Betters

    For the past week I’ve been meaning to flag a provocative article discussing theories forwarded by Gregory Clark’s new economic history, A Farewell to Alms. In the spirit of Monty Python&#