Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Watching Live Earth

    This monkey was one of the few viewers of Live Earth here in Italy. On a blisteringly hot day (something that is not particularly unseasonal – for what its worth), I chose to stay indoors and wa
  • Apologies…

    … for the failure to post any of the deluge of comments over the last few months. This was due to a combination of spam and technical incompetence: in blocking spam to one post I somehow disable
  • Reza Aslan on Uncle Sam's efforts to integrate Europe

    I stumbled upon an interesting dialogue on between Bruce Feiler and Reza Aslan, author of No God But God (and, apparently, the Brad Pitt of young Muslim commentators…). It’
  • Reza Aslan on Uncle Sam’s efforts to integrate Europe

    I stumbled upon an interesting dialogue on between Bruce Feiler and Reza Aslan, author of No God But God (and, apparently, the Brad Pitt of young Muslim commentators…). It’
  • Thin Ice

    Monica Leech, a PR consultant to a government minister, has unexpectedly lost her libel case against the Irish Independent. The Indo had published a story about what had happened the previous day on R
  • My enemy’s enemy

    I’m feeling slightly lightheaded. This week I read a column by Kevin “Colonel” Myers that I largely agree with (although his use of the compound noun “Flynn-woman” threat
  • Brand new? Sonic Youth

    A press release winged its way to Three Monkeys Italian branch announcing concerts by Sonic Youth, where they will perform their 1988 classic album Daydream Nation. The tour is sponsored by MTV Italia
  • Attention to Detail, Part Umpteen

    Marcin Świetlicki’s second novel, Trzynaście (Thirteen), is a follow up to his first novel, Dwanaście (Twelve), which was a “magical, cult” novel, the blurb tells me. I read Twelv
  • The Madonna Cries Sperm – Public Culture & Offense

    An art exhibit, entitled the Madonna Cries Sperm, is causing political representatives on a local and national level to get hot under the collar. The exhibit, originally organised by the Yurta associa