Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Mapping the Empire

    On the occasion of the launch of Google Maps Street View, the latest step in that firm’s endeavours to pixallate the known world, this blog offers a one-paragraph story by Jorge Luis Borges (wit
  • Looking Out For Number One

    Headline in last week’s Polityka: “How to demand a pay-rise that will give you a good living and not bankrupt your employer.” In the olden days employers were expected to look out fo
  • Tossed Word Salad (With a Side-Order of Suburban Angst)

    I was sufficiently impressed by Joshua Ferris’s debut, Then We Came to the End, to check out the book that inspired that somewhat sales-unfriendly title, Don DeLillo’s first novel, America
  • Clever Lawyers

    In the case against Dr. G, the doctor falsely and publicly accused by Poland’s minister for justice of murder, the prosecution intends calling on expert witnesses, from abroad if necessary. Marek Ce
  • Take up thy bed and walk (it’s quicker than driving)

    Stalled in a traffic jam snaking up one of the M50’s off-ramps this morning–only in Ireland do road planners think motorways and roundabouts mix–I caught the tail-end of RTE’s
  • Poles Keep Digging

    With hindsight, I suppose it was inevitable that the ruling establishment in Poland turn its guns on the teletubbies. Inevitable, too, that I would at least mention it, even though Beatroot already ha
  • So what if you squander �60+ million of our money?

    The champagne’s being put back into cold storage. Just like all those voting machines. Martin Cullen is now back in. It’s beginning to feel like a bad zombie film…
  • Another wise choice by the canny Irish electorate.

    In my constituency, Conor “Kebabs” Lenihan has just got in on the first count.
  • Fianna F�il is on 41.6%: RTE Exit Poll

    To quote Dick Tuck, who spoke on the occassion of losing the race for a California Senate Seat, “The people have spoken, the bastards.”