Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Where’s the outrage?

    As the flock of handsomely renumerated jurists take flight from the Four Courts after deliberating the fate of a 17-year-old girl wishing to terminate her pregnancy, I’m sure I’m not the o
  • Cosmic Irony

    May 3rd is the day on which Poles celebrate the anniversary of their 1791 constitution, which is considered by some (mostly Poles) the most progressive in Europe of its day. Only the American constitu
  • Just when you were starting to feel sorry for them

    This monkey has already written about the daubing of the slogan 'Shame on you Bagnasco' on
  • The Other China

    I don’t really have the time today to do justice to Bertie’s excuses or to savage the Health Service Executive’s Taleban-style priorities, so I merely offer a link to some startling
  • Building walls – it worked then…

    There’s an interesting blog entry on the Times Literary Supplement site, from regular columnist Mary Beard, on the subject of Hadrian’s Wall. Beard gives a quick history lesson to George W
  • News and Tributes – The Futureheads interview

    Like a spy on the wall I take notes in the corner while a tired-looking Futureheads run through their soundcheck. It’s the first night of their short Italian tour, and things are not sonically a
  • Flawed Ambition – The Flaws in interview

    Unusual is one way of putting it or maybe it’s the start of something novel. A band with rock n’roll desires firmly rooted in a rural part of Ireland that appreciates the native stew, earl
  • Carry me down – M.J. Hyland in interview

    Finishing M.J. Hyland’s second novel, Carry Me Down, left me in a curious state. On the one hand I had that satisfied feeling one gets reaching a final full stop, like smacking one’s lips together
  • The Travails of Silvio Bertiesconi

    “You have the right to remain silent…” The cop shows have taught us that the accused in the interview room has the option to keep schtum while being grilled by the fuzz. This preroga