Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • The Property Porn You Can Admit Watching

    I seem to be one of the few people in my circle of friends and family not to be a fan of the Channel 4 programme, Grand Designs. Sure, it’s a cut above the usual celebrations of real-estate avar
  • Man Booker International Prize list announced

    The Man Booker International Prize list has been announced for 2007. Not surprisingly there are no Italian novelists included. Not surprisingly as the English-language publishing world takes a lot of
  • The Barriera Italica

    Generally speaking, nothing irritates this monkey more than bloggers talking about bloggers – be they Irish, Italian, or otherwise. Having said that, the latest post on Alessandro Longo‘s
  • Tax

    It’s always been a matter of some surprise to me that I have never been busted for tax evasion. I’ve worked in a dozen countries under a kaleidoscopically variegated set of tax systems (Po
  • A Sense of Proportion

    From Saturday’s Irish Times review of Susan Sontag’s final collection of essays: “Sontag incurred disproportionate approbrium for her initial reaction to the events of September 11,
  • News

    They have this TV station here called TVN 24 – yes it is original, isn’t it? – devoted to news only. I happened to catch sight of it over the tremendously boring Easter holidays here
  • Adjmal Nashkbandi executed by Taliban

    Adjmal Nashkbandi, the Afghan interpreter kidnapped alongside the now-free Italian journalist Daniele Mastrogiacomo, payed the ultimate price for not-being Italian, when the Taliban executed him yeste
  • The writing's on the wall – Police escort for Archbishop Bagnasco

    On the 2nd of April a very public message was delivered to the new President of the Italian Bishops Conference, Archbishop Bagnasco. Daubed on the doors of Genoa's San Lorenzo cathedral were the words
  • M’Learned Friends

    I sometimes mutter to myself when some bewigged windbag is described “as one of the finest legal minds of his generation.” Given the absence of any real benchmarks for performance at the I