Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Six points

    Some thing I have thought about, like , in the past fortnight:     1. The low standard of Irish politicians is merely the product of the low standards of the electorate. From last weekR
  • Dantean Echoes – The influence of Dante on Samuel Beckett and Seamus Heaney

    “‘I recall one superb pun anyway: qui vive la pietà quando e ben morta’ She said nothing. ‘Is it not a great phrase?’ he gushed. She said nothing. ‘Now’ he s
  • This is getting serious – The US anti-missile shield, seen from the Czech Republic.

    One of the most puzzling aspects of the proposed plan to site an American missile radar-base in the Czech Republic is the almost total lack of debate. Proponents of the plan, such as the Czech Prime M
  • The Best Defence? Poland and the US anti-missile shield

    In Polish it is called “tarcza antyrakietowa,” or anti-missile shield. But therein lies a fine irony. “Tarcza” also means target, which is what some fear the country will becom
  • Rosia Montana: Consumerism and its Disconnects

    Visiting Romania recently an advertisement on commercial radio caught my attention. At first there was just the engine-noise of a large approaching vehicle, being greeted by a hubbub of angry voices.
  • Love in the time of Bossi-Fini. The real impact of immigration legislation in Italy

    Prior to the 1980s Italy didn’t consider immigration as a particularly pressing problem. Throughout its post-war history, in fact, the country had suffered far more from large-scale emigration,
  • The grey denominator

    One thing that the worlds of entertainment and politics have in common in Italy is the fact that most of the key figures involved are past the normally accepted retirment age. The political stage is
  • The price paid – Daniele Mastrogiacomo

    Last week the release of journalist Daniele Mastrogiacomo sparked off controversy left, right, and centre - outside Italy. Inside Italy, apart from some opportunistic jibes from Berlusconi*, virtually
  • Just a Game?

    In the wake of Ireland’s astonishingly unexpected win over Pakistan in the Cricket World Cup, drawls can be heard throughout the bosky suburbs of Dublin proclaiming “You know, I could deli