Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Absurd Drama

    “Unknown Man: I’ll be around for some time. I have a mission to accomplish. […] Unknown Man: And all the time the volcano beneath our feet is seething and boiling. We are riddled through
  • Nimby Housewives and the disco-dancing Kissinger

    Gianni Di Michelis, former Italian Foreign Minister, and author of ‘where shall we dance tonight? A guide to 250 of Italy’s best discos’, las night dismissed the women behind the cam
  • Show Trials

    Not a very good title, really, since according to the Guardian, the trial was held behind closed doors but there are similarities with the “confession” (the Guardian’s inverted comma
  • More Principles

    Andrzej Zybertowicz puts up a strong, if entirely illogical, defence of the law requiring journalists to swear to whether they did or did not cooperate with the secret services of communist Poland in
  • Games with No Winners

    Adam Curtis‘s documentary “The Trap – What Happened To Our Dream Of Freedom?“, shown on BBC2 last Sunday, presented the thinking person’s conspiracy theory.  Think D
  • The Chill Continued

    Not all journos here are finding the legal requirement to pledge that you never informed under communism so irksome as those prima donnas who claim that this is mere humiliation, since in any case the
  • A Cautionary Tale from the Big Apple

    Last night BBC4 screened an solid documentary on the decline of New York City during the 1970s, a steep fall from grace that culminated in the infamous blackout/riot of July 13-14, 1977.The programme
  • How do you get from Afghanistan to the Vatican

    The day after Romano Prodi’s government fell, the majority of left-wing and right-wing newspapers frothed around the two dissenting ‘radical’ left wing senators* Fernando Rossi and F
  • Welcome to My World–but only if you buy the hardcover.

    I spent last weekend Liverpool–the absence of postings this week can be partially explained by the fact that I was there for my brother’s stag party.  The quote of the weekend was inn