Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Intelligentsia

    Professor Maria Janion, a distinguished Polish scholar, is eighty this Christmas and, Poland being a country which — though it publishes interviews in Playboy with Boris Szyc (pronounced “
  • The Green Menace – Ireland & Islam

    Basking in a soft green glow Ireland, for the Italian media, exists t o provide occasional weekend-supplement travel articles. The island is remote (yet easily reachable by low-cost airlines, they str
  • Primitives

    The recent political sex-scandal here has brought the primitives crawling out of the woodwork. We have been reminded of such pearls of wisdom from the Polish political classes as “how can you ra
  • Pinochet and the Finger Wagging Pope

    The TV news, inexplicably, chose not to run with footage of General Augusto Pinochet proudly standing on his balcony (God, how fascists lover their balconies) beside ‘Santo Subito‘ Pope Jo
  • The Emperor’s New Clothes Look Pretty Good

    A spectre is haunting the Web–the spectre of the comeback. The off-hand comment and the casual dismissal will be noted, and, if erroneous or slipshod, you will sooner or later be brought to book
  • Heard the one about the bishop with the black eye?

    The Grauniad and the Torygraph both feature stories about the Rt Rev Tom Butler, the Bishop of Southwark, who apparently became rather tired and emotional after attending a Christmas drinks function a
  • A bit literal minded?

    From The Brown Daily Herald:The audience at Production Workshop’s “The Flies,” which is slated to run from Dec. 8 through Dec. 11, will feature an element perhaps more appropriate fo
  • The sound and the fury

    In a misjudged effort to hear some “analysis” of Budget 2007, I tuned in last night to Vincent “Vincenzo” Browne’s show, broadcast at 10PM on RTE Radio One. What a shambl
  • Hell is (lots of) other people

    Back from a very enjoyable, and predictably pricey weekend in London. As dutiful bourgeois, Moira and I shelled out for a bit of the Great Wen’s cultural attractions, in the form of the Vel�zq