Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Kick a man when he's down?

    Perhaps, if only he’d stop moving. Rumours of Berlusconi’s demise, in what has become a tedious pattern, have been exaggerated. On Saturday, leading an anti-government march, Berlusconi wa

    My blogging output in November has been, I acknowledge, slightly erratic. Aside from fulfilling the righteous duties associated with being a modern father, I’ve been reasonably tied up with work
  • Where’s Paddy the Plasterer when you need him?

    There’s no longer any arguments about whether cracks have appeared, it’s now a matter of how far they will spread. The once gravity-defying Irish property market is finally showing that it
  • Web 2.0 runs into trouble in the classroom

    One of the pre-requisites for a website/service to qualify for the trendy ‘Web2.0’ label, as coined by gurus like Tim O’Reilly, is that it be designed for ‘remixability’.
  • Storming Stormont

    What’s this? “Troubled” 80s pop icon George Michael involved in another scrape with the forces of law and order?(Oh… it’s only released killer and talented Sunday painter
  • Enough of the Moaning

    A foreign journalist (whose name escapes me now), in the pages of the excellent Internazionale magazine, over the summer lamented the top-heavy nature of the Italian media – or the over-importan
  • The best of the bunch?

    I see that over the weekend the Irish Internet Association’s Net Visionary 2006 Awards singled out the awful Twenty Major as Best Blogger. One wonders what it was about that blog that won over t
  • The doctor will see you now

    George Lee, RTE’s chief economics correspondent, appears to see himself as the Savonarola of our times, castigating the citizenry for their wicked ways (buying outdoor Jacuzzis, for example) and
  • Free Speech

    Taking Poland by storm right now and for the next eight — no, make that seven — days is one Krzysztof Kononowicz, who ran for president of Bia?ystok. You can watch his appearance on a teev