Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Sophistication

    “This essay was commissioned by the guest editors of a special issue of the academic journal Social Text but rejected by the journal’s editorial collective on the grounds it was theoretica
  • Excuses, excuses

    On October 23rd the BBC news website reported that Sony was delaying the release of a new product in Europe until 2007, even though it is already on sale in Asia. The reason given was that the machine
  • Revamp

    Regular visitors to this site will find it as radically altered as Kenny Rogers. But in this case, I believe the changes are a good thing.All the improvements can be exclusively attributed to my siste
  • Election Sausage

    Local elections are approaching and all over Poland (presumably — I haven’t been all over it myself) teams of workers are energetically engaged in infrastructural work. Roads are being res
  • Let the reader decide, let the reader beware*

    The Complete Review reports on the arrival at their offices of the latest, and possibly last, wrist-snapping 1100-page meganovel from that PoMo giant, Thomas Pynchon. They suggest that the book Agains
  • Feelings, nothing more than feelings

    From the BBC news website today on Sony’s decision to prosecute people who import certain goods into Europe: “Critics of Sony’s approach feel that the electronics giant is preventing
  • The Lower Depths

    Fellow Three Monkeys blog, Our Man in Gda?sk, recently commented on the state of Polish literature, focusing on the genre of “dirty realism” exemplified by the writings of Marek Nowakowski
  • The War on Terror’s Intelligence Operations

    From “Can You Tell a Sunni From a Shiite?” in The New York Times: At the end of a long interview, I asked Willie Hulon, chief of the [FBI�s] new national security branch, whether he thou
  • Blah-gorrah

    Square-jawed publisher, John Ryan, the “brains” behind such consciousness-raising mags as VIP, GI (AKA Gay Ireland), and, latterly, The New York Dog, shows he’s hip to the new media