Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Useful Idiots

    It appears I have been going too easy on Gazeta Wyborcza. Here’s Tony Judt on Adam Michnik, its editor: “Today, America�s liberal armchair warriors are the �useful idiots� of the War
  • Crying in your beer

    Generations of quaffing Trinner students might find themselves getting slightly sentimental at the following news:”STUDENTS’ drinking patterns will never be the same again at TCD.The famou
  • A snapshot of the modern Irish economy

    In the 21st century, the lowest form of wit is uploading a jpg that made you smirk:
  • A spot of turbulence ahead?

    While the government remains paralyzed by crisis, the world, especially the business world, keeps on spinning. Ryanair’s announcement that it had already bought 16% of Aer Lingus’s shares
  • GUBU 2

    Just after 9.30 PM, Irish time. The following has just been posted on the RTE site: RT� News has learned that Taoiseach Bertie Ahern may have bought his home from an individual who attended the cont
  • Life’s Poor Pageantry

    A few words on the political situation here. The coalition is broken and PiS is looking around for MPs it can persuade to jump ship and join them. How to persuade them? Well, with the promise of jobs
  • International Gombeens – Or why you can't buy drugs in the supermarket

    Reading Shane Barry’s commentary on financial scandals surrounding Bertie Ahern, it struck me that his posts could be applied, with virtually no changes, to the Italian situation. The Gombeen fa
  • Dictionary Definition

    (Adapted from Merriam-Webster Online) Main Entry: 2shoddy Function: adjective Inflected Form(s): shod�di�er; -est 1 : made wholly or partly of shoddy 2 a : cheaply imitative : vulgarly pretentious
  • Muttering

    A sense of weariness with gombeen politics means I find it burdensome to comment on the farce that unfolded in the D�il yesterday. Alas, events perhaps reflected Beckett’s resigned observation