Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Summer

    As you might have guessed from the long gaps between posts, I am on holidays — holidays in dial-up land, also known as Ireland. Here, without links or diacritics, are some random observations: A
  • A “Good House”

    Summer is over, the evenings are drawing in, the roads are again clotted with traffic, and, if you were not sufficiently depressed, the country’s worst journalist is back in the saddle. Yes, Orn
  • The Return

    Like Douglas MacArthur to the Philippines, like President Bush to New Orleans, like Bertie Ahern to, er, Fagan’s , I have returned. The reasons for my online absence (or should that be “of
  • Progress and Regress – the Irish version

    In their article in Gazeta Wyborcza the three young economists offered up the following statistic: in 1960s Poland for every retired person and invalid in receipt of welfare there were 12 people worki
  • Comparing the Incomparable – Nazi and Israeli Massacres

    The Union of Islamic Communities and Organisations in Italy, a non-governmental association, paid to publish a full page notice in a number of newspapers five days ago under the heading “Yesterd
  • From the Liberation of Rome, to the Armistice in Korea – General Mark Clark Interview (1975)

    In June, 1975, Richard Gilbert directed a production for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation entitled ‘The Old South’ – a salute to the USA Bi-Centennial. As part of the production
  • Name Dropping

    Western readers will notice something peculiar about the stern and impressive Stefan Chwin’s latest novel and other works of fiction from this part of the world: the unashamed name dropping. I m
  • A joke is a joke, even during wartime

    Proof, if it were needed, that police forces in Western Europe and America are not heavy-handed when it comes to policing the ‘war on terror’. On the 13th of August a 34 year old Italian b
  • The Sincerest Form of Flattery

    I blame Bia?oszewski. For the short sentences. In fact, fragmentary. Sentences, that is. Very annoying. He wrote a book once. Famous. Pami?tnik z powstania warszawskiego. It was called. Miron Bia?osze