Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • The Lebanon

    Wednesday’s Gazeta Wyborcza reprinted a New York Times article by Israeli writer Etgar Keret entitled “Je?li ju? Wojna, to Lepsza Taka” (If it’s war, then it’s better thi
  • Czechs and the Poles

    The current Polityka carries a review of “Bored in Brno,” a film directed by Vladim�r Mor�vek, which “sends up the myth of Czech sexual potency.” I’ve been to Czecho
  • Language

    Nie (“No”) is a weekly current affairs magazine. Its editor is Jerzy Urban, the mouthpiece of communist Poland in the 1980s. The editorial line is firmly anti-Catholic church and the prese
  • Modern Life is Rubbish

    After extensive research I have discovered that the perpetrator of the song “It’s all about the money” is a lady who goes by the name of Meja. She is Swedish. Wikipedia says her real
  • Bad Translation

    Perhaps I should make this a regular feature – if I could be bothered buying Rzeczpospolita regularly. Today’s paper, as usual, contains translations of editorials from foreign papers on p
  • Saint Marcello, absolve us from our sins

    In the early evening of the 26th of January, the streets of bologna erupted in a noisy celebration. Cars and mopeds sped up and down the main thoroughfares for a couple of hours hooting and flag wavin
  • You can skip this one – it’s about party politics

    Things are all a kerfuffle in Polish politics at the moment. The president backed out of an international summit a few days ago because he had a pain in his stomach. Before that a German newspaper mad
  • Miracles of the Free Market

    It’s 30 degrees in the shade and you need a cold drink. Into the shop with you so, up to the counter, out with the money and what is there to drink? If it’s to be cold it has to be fizzy.
  • Science

    I haven’t seen a copy of the Sunday Times in a pleasantly long time but I presume their coverage of science is as top-notch as ever: gushing articles about the latest and bestest weapons for Bri