Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Talent Without End

    Bertie Ahern, Taoiseach (or “prime minister”) of Ireland, has an article in yesterday’s Gazeta Wyborcza. While it is too boring to read, one thing does stand out: the man’s imp
  • Upbeat drumbeat misses a beat

    Hardly do I open my yap about Gazeta Wyborcza’s occasionally one-sided picture of how great it is everywhere in the EU except Poland than economist and journalist Waldemar Kuczy?ski chimes in (o
  • Donald Trump’s Hair

    On a recent visit to Empik, the chain of book shops which appears to be approaching monopoly in Poland, I saw a book adorned by the image and likeness of Donald Trump. I have not been able to find the
  • Free News is Good News

    Back in January I took a look at a dodgy Irish Times article on Poles travelling between Poland and Ireland. Six months later (17-18/6/06) Gazeta Wyborcza takes on a similar subject in an article enti
  • It is impossible to say just what I mean!

    As a westerner, it’s hard not to feel cheated sometimes when a book goes Eastern European, as does Sandor Marai’s A gyerty�k csonkig �gnek (Embers). The deep, abstruse contemplation on
  • Left out Right in

    A few weeks ago I mentioned in passing newspaper reports that the president of Poland was displeased at the continued rule of a lefty in PZU, a state controlled insurance company. The incumbent was du
  • That is not it at all, That is not what I meant, at all.

    Two old soldiers meet again after 41 years to settle – it seems from the carefully built up tension of the novel – an old score of some sort. The first half of the book is an artistically
  • Miej chwyt na jego spryt

    So goes the slogan in a cack-handed ad for a credit card. It means, roughly, “make sure you’re up to his tricks.” The ad (I can’t find a decent picture to link to) shows a dodg
  • Verdicts

    “The jury is out on Chavez” announces the headline of Denis MacShane’s article on Venezuela in the Guardian. If only it were. Any reporter I read seems to have his mind made up to gi