Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Let it go Louie

    So, another week passes and impasse supposedly reigns in the political sphere in Italy. Yesterday the Supreme Court ruled, in accordance with electoral procedure, on the official results of the Electi
  • Writers

    This month’s issue of Lampa (Lamp) has a few features on Stanisław Lem, who passed away recently. Radek Knapp writes in one of them “One day I told the Master that I had written a story,
  • Timing

    April 14th – Gazeta Wyborcza drops its cover price to 1.50. April 15th – Gazeta Wyborcza publishes an article by Adam Krzemi?ski of Polityka about Das Bild (publisher Axel Springer Verlag)
  • Coalition

    You have to hand it to Gazeta Wyborcza ‘s pictures editor. Wojciech Olku?nik’s photographs in today’s paper of Andrzej Lepper as he slides his way into the job of deputy prime minist
  • Vote rigging or horse-trading – the days after the Italian General Election

    The View from Bologna (Romano Prodi’s home town) has been quiet this week, in the wake of the Italian general elections. Quiet for a good reason – the official verdict is still out as to w
  • I Really Shouldn’t

    Being stuck in a bus behind a button import company van last weekend proved a by-no-means-rare-enough opportunity to subject myself to the horror that is commercial Polish radio. (“I don’t
  • April Fool’s Day

    I am proud and happy to report that I fell for all five April Fool’s jokes in the last Nie bar one. That Jarosław Kaczynski paid a state visit to the US instead of his (identical twin) brother
  • Coglioni of the world unite

    Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, addressing a group of business leaders on Tuesday, gathered together all of his formidable marketing skills to find a slogan to gather voters to his cause: "I've too
  • The Screenplay of Relegation

    The so-called 'relegation battle', that joyous struggle for survival which permeates the entirety of Premiership coverage in the month of May (as X, Y or Z have already won the title and hav