Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Fabrizio Quattrocchi posthumously awarded medal of honour

    Fabrizio Quattrocchi, who was murdered by his kidnappers in Iraq two years ago, has been awarded the medaglia d’oro al valor civile by Italy’s President Ciampi, on the suggestion of Interi
  • The Dreaded Meeja

    In the previous post I mentioned the punishment by the National Commission for Being a Good Little Boy of a TV station for allowing a guest (Kazimiera Szczuka) on a show to mock the voice of a physica
  • Untitled

    Some random absurdities, all from just one issue of Gazeta Wyborcza. The Belarussian KGB has branded the Lukaszenko opposition terrorists. The newspaper is up in arms. Only GW Bush (if you’re no
  • Applauding Berlusconi's Buffoonery – Boris Johnson aims out of the vase

    Boris Johnson, writing in the Spectator, suggests that it would be a shame were Silvio Berlusconi to lose the next election. Focussing primarily on Berlusconi’s legendary gaffes, suggesting R
  • Applauding Berlusconi’s Buffoonery – Boris Johnson aims out of the vase

    Boris Johnson, writing in the Spectator, suggests that it would be a shame were Silvio Berlusconi to lose the next election. Focussing primarily on Berlusconi’s legendary gaffes, suggesting R
  • I believe the word is “extraordinary”…

    …as in “extraordinary outburst”. Today’s Fakt, a Polish tabloid, carries one on the front page from ?ukasz Warzecha. “I am convulsed with anger!” it begins (exclama
  • Syriana II

    Syriana seems to be sowing confusion right and left. A correspondent to the Irish Times compares the verdicts of Charles Krauthammer and Michael Dwyer (IT’s film critic). For Krauthammer the plo
  • Mystified

    In my last post I made an oblique (very oblique, it appears) reference to Vladimir Nabakov’s Pale Fire. Incidentally, Nabakov’s book is listed alongside 1000 others in a book telling us wh
  • It’s all Politics

    Syriana was reviewed by both Gazeta Wyborcza and Rzeczpospolita on March 3rd. But did the reviewers see the same version? Poor Jacek Szczerba in GW seems to be under the impression that it is a docume