Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • DFW II

    Two stories from Oblivion reveal David Foster Wallace�s debt to Jorge Luis Borges* most clearly. The first, �Another Pioneer,� which indirectly recounts the story of the influence of a child pro
  • Funeral – Arcade Fire

    Debut album from Montreal based multi-instrumentalists Arcade Fire.
  • DFW I

    Just as the hysterical claims that the Sheffield outfit has already surpassed The Beatles in musical achievement have the paradoxical effect of making me never want to hear another track from the R
  • The Trouble with Elections

    “Give Hamas a Chance” Gazeta wyborcza (28-29th Jan) magnanimously states on page six in the headline of a piece by Mariusz Zawadzki, datelined Gaza and marked “analysis”. The s
  • Bukes

    The Poles seemed to lose interest in novels very quickly. Hardly had they managed to produce a handful of decent ones than Witold Gombrowicz set to work writing “anti-novels.” His contempo
  • News v. Opinion

    From Friday’s Rzeczpospolita, a national daily paper in Poland: A front page article by Marcin Czeka?ski about the detrimental effects of the government’s disarray. It seems that many key
  • I have to say he’s right

    Blogger Ellis Sharp delivers a pretty devastating critique of John Banville’s radio play, Todtnauberg, broadcast on BBC Radio 4 last week as part of the Holocaust commemorations. I was listening
  • RTE’s Omniscience and Promptness

    Today’s RTE (Radio Telef�s Eireann. RTE is the state broadcaster in Ireland) news website contains a report on the Jean Charles De Menezes killing. The report contains the following sentence:
  • Military Intelligence

    A tightly-edited, coherent entry today: An initially unpromising article about ambulance services in the current (print edition) Polityka reveals (apart, of course, from the under-funded mess that Pol