Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Civilised Civil Ceremonies

    While the first civil partnership ceremonies in the UK, which took place today in Belfast of all places, are to be welcomed as a reasonably sane and compassionate acknowledgement of reality, it raises
  • Power to the People

    Gavin’s Blog suggests that a website should be established to keep track of Michael McDowell’s actions. Yet given the spate of revelations about his past, it is arguable that there’s
  • Heckling a Saint

    In a piece excoriating know-nothing celebs preaching about the solutions to Africa’s problems, Paul Theroux takes aim at Bono: THERE are probably more annoying things than being hectored about A
  • Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Ha Ha

    An interview with AA Gill that appeared in Thursday�s Guardian took what might be called a revisionist approach to its subject. That�s to say that the interviewer tried to persuade the reader that
  • Is it considered impolite to check sources?

    News comes to me of an article in the Irish Times (Dec 8th) about the plight of Poles in Ireland. It seems that many of the estimated 120,000 emigrants have been lured there by unrealistically optimis
  • Mirror, mirror

    On the subject of observing and being observed, I must mention the long, grim gander I took at myself in the bathroom mirror this morning. Usually these days I do not dally before my reflection any lo
  • The words “stand,” “heat” and “kitchen” come to mind

    The cosy world of the Irish blogosphere seems all aflutter (see here, here, and here, for example) over the actions of Irish Minister for Justice, Michael McDowell, who seems to have a gift for pourin
  • Weekend reading

    Several weeks (months?) ago, I claimed that David McWilliams was consistently one of the best columnists working in the Irish print arena. Well, now he�s starting to grate a bit. Perhaps it�s a fu
  • Judge Dredski

    The view from Gdańsk is not pretty. As Pinter accepts his Nobel prize, Poland slips further into the absurd and the vulgar. Here is a random selection, from memory, so apologies for any small inaccur