Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Entering the Moral Maze – A discussion on religion and ethics with Richard Holloway

    Joan Bakewell wrote of Richard Holloway, the former Anglican Archbishop of Edinburgh, in the New Statesman, that “[he] has always been a radical living in the real world, ready to come to terms
  • Lazy link

    My interview with the unparalleled Camille Paglia is now available here.
  • The media works miracles

    Patient V.Z., a 66 year old housewife suffered a stroke which compromised her ability to recognise and name people, animals, and objects, Internazionale reported, quoting a study from Cortex magazine.
  • Just like shooting…

    Translation is never easy. There are so many words and expressions in any given language that reflect something peculiar to its culture, that finding an equivalent in a different tongue becomes nigh o
  • Parade’s End

    After a (partially successful) 35-year effort to take the gun out of Irish politics, Bertie Ahern wants to remilitarize Irish public life. At the annual conference (Ardfheis) of his political party, F
  • Political Assassination in Calabria

    Last week, armed terrorists have shot and killed the vice president of the Calabrian regional authority, Francesco Fortuno while he voted in the left-wing primary elections (16/10/05). Strangely, you
  • Rock Politik – Adriano Celentano and freedom of the press

    Imagine, if you will, a variety show with a hefty dose of political and social commentary, satire and rock bands, all hosted by an ageing singer/actor who is as close to being a national institution a
  • Like something out of Mrożek – Harold Pinter and the Nobel Prize

    Poles accepted Harold Pinter’s Nobel prize with good grace, despite the high hopes they had for local boy Ryszard Kapuściński. Old interviews with Pinter and newer ones with his translator wer
  • No excuses

    Blog entries are often little more than squibs, textual equivalents of a nudge in the ribs and a confidential aside asking “Have you seen this?” However, the occasional blog post has subst