Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • Swings and roundabouts

    Last night’s performance by the Irish soccer (I have to use that term instead of “football” to avoid growls from GAA supporters) team in the World Cup qualifying game might have dish
  • A nice little earner

    The New York Times has a profile of the reclusive author, S. E. Hinton, author of such teen classics as The Outsiders, and Rumblefish.The enduring popularity of her work is staggering:”Her most
  • Mobile Phone Throwing

    Next year’s annual Mobile Phone Throwing Championships may have some high profile Italian participants, judging on recent events dominating the news. Justice Minister Roberto Castelli, Governor
  • Advance warning

    Blogging might be a bit patchy over the coming days (when isn’t it, some might argue). Apart from noisome tasks associated with contract work, I’m doing some reading in my spare time (well
  • A semi-serious treatise on cappuccino

    Today we are going to speak about cappuccino. A few preliminary remarks: 1. Bebo does not like coffee in itself, and therefore is not going to expand on the characteristics of the coffee, considering
  • Panzanella à la Umbria

    This article first appeared in Three Monkeys Online Italian edition. To read the original, in Italian, click here.Translated by Three Monkeys Online. It's a fresh dish, appropriate for the warm s
  • The Making of MirrorMask

    “It’s an original project, and the way that it came about was like this,” starts writer Neil Gaiman, addressing an audience of devoted fans, in the Italian city of Bologna, eager to
  • Filming the Occupation. Director Saverio Costanzo presents Private

    This article first appeared in Italian. To read the original click here It’s unfair, everyone knows, to blame the sins of the father on the son – and thirty year old Saverio Costanzo must
  • The Cricket Renaissance – or why cricket has a place in Irish society.

    The Cricket Renaissance. Some are still stuck in the closet, but the number of people coming out over the past couple of weeks has been steadily increasing. What was merely a trickle, a few stray soul