Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


  • Ljubljana

    Ljubljana is one of Europe's coolest capital cities, famed for its castle, beautiful bridges, vibran
  • The Arsenal Project Coming Undone?

    Arsene Wenger has long been regarded as somewhat of a football enigma. He is a respected manager, who espouses confidence in both himself and his team. He speaks like a child of the enlightenment, an
  • The Role of the Machine in Twentieth Century Art

    The machine is the single most defining entity of the twentieth century. Its role at the turn of the century was a central one: it was the dawn of the modern age facilitated by the energy and producti
  • Showing the Bones – Sean O’Reilly in Interview

    Born in Derry in 1969, Sean O’Reilly is currently one of the most interesting writers working today, Irish or otherwise. His latest work, Watermark, may be set in contemporary Ireland but it esc
  • The People’s Act of Love – Author James Meek in interview

    James Meek‘s third novel, The People’s Act of Love is set in a small town in Siberia in 1919, during the Russian civil war. The characters and drama, though, are far removed from the stock
  • A Long Long Way – Sebastian Barry in interview

    Sebastian Barry’s A Long Long Way treats an issue which was virtually airbrushed from Irish history for generations after it happened: the involvement of Ireland in the British Army during the F
  • The Return of Moqtada al-Sadr

    In the last week, the threat posed by Moqtada al-Sadr to the U.S.-led efforts in Iraq resurfaced during a bloody incident that occurred in Baghdad. On September 25, a patrol by U.S. and Iraqi troops i
  • The New Turkey -Reflections from Istanbul.

    "Well, it is worth pointing out that joining the EU is a long term process," comments Chris Morris, author of The New Turkey – The quiet revolution on the edge of Europe. Much of Morri
  • A serious fall–part 2

    At least two of the nominees on the Booker Prize longlist were not even reviewed let alone widely available when the roster was announced. Now Salman Rushdie’s Shalimar the Clown and Zadie Smith
  • A serious fall–part 1

    Publishers appear to assume that once autumn arrives, people cast aside their Dan Browns and J.K.Rowlings, and endeavour to tackle some serious literature. Ireland’s leading novelist, John McGah